Alborz Geramifard
Research Scientist,
2013, Postdoc, Laboratory for Information and Systems, MIT
2011, PhD, Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT
2007, MSc, Computer Science, University of Alberta
2003, BSc, Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
8/6/15    RLPy abstract was presented at RLDM 2015.
2/2/15     Our RLPy framework paper got accepted at JMLR.
8/11/14    Amazon Echo, the product I have been working on was launched.
27/10/13  Our Tutorial on solving MDPs got accepted in the FTML Journal.
23/10/13  Our RLPy framework paper got accepted at nips Workshop.
30/9/13    Started as a Research Scientist at
18/8/13    Our NIPS 2013 workshop got accepted.
5/8/13      Our RLDM paper on Multimodel MDP modeling got accepted. 
2/8/13      Our RLDM paper on off-policy learning with feature expansion got accepted.