Hampi is a solver for string constraints. Hampi is designed for constraints generated by program analysis tools, automated bug finders, intelligent fuzzers. Hampi constraints express membership in regular languages and bounded context-free languages. Hampi constraints may contain context-free-language definitions, regular-language definitions and operations, and the membership predicate. Given a set of constraints, Hampi outputs a string that satisfies all the constraints, or reports that the constraints are unsatisfiable. NEW: Hampi can now parse Perl-like regular expressions, eg: /^(:)([\w-]+)\("?'?(.*(\(.*\))?[^(]*)"?'?\)/. See the wiki page for documentation. Thanks to Devdatta Akhave for the contribution! HampiHampi code at Google Code
(download from SVN: svn checkout http://hampi.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ hampi-read-only) Documentation including examples, usage, formal grammar
MIT License Mailing list for developers and users PaperAdam Kiezun,
Vijay Ganesh, Philip J. Guo, Pieter Hooimeijer, Michael D.
In ISSTA 2009: ACM International Symposium on Testing and Analysis, (Chicago, Illinois, USA), July 19-23, 2009.
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
Experimental data and results (these are partial - there is much more experimental data in SVN)
Kiezun, project
leader (Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, USA)
Ganesh (MIT)
Philip Guo
(Stanford University)
Hooimeijer (University of Virginia)
Devdatta Akhave
(UC Berkeley)
Shay Artzi
(IBM Research)
D. Ernst (University of Washington)