
  • binaries (dependencies included) [tgz]
  • source [tgz]

compilation instructions

Squander source distribution comes with an ANT build script, so you will have to install ANT first in order to run it. In addition, you'll need an Eclipse compiler (namely, only org.eclipse.jdt.core_*.jar files from the Eclipse's "plugin" folder) because the Java compiler from Sun doesn't handle methods with generic return types properly.
  1. download the source tarball (e.g. wget
  2. unpack the archive (e.g. tar xzvf squander-src.tgz)
  3. change to the unpacked folder (e.g. cd squander)
  4. (needed the very first time only) set the ECLIPSE_HOME environment variable to point to your Eclipse installation and then run ant init-eclipse-compiler (might require "root" privileges, e.g. if your ANT installation folder in "/usr/share/")
  5. to build from sources, execute ant build-eclipse-compiler
  6. to run tests, execute ant test
  7. to create a jar distribution (dist/squander.jar), execute ant jar

using Squander

To use Squander simply add the squander.jar file (either from the binary distribution or the one built from sources), along with all other .jar files provided in the lib folder, to your CLASSPATH. By default, SAT4J solver is used, which doesn't require any native libraries. If you want to switch to MiniSAT, which should typically give better performance, you will have to add the native libraries for your platform (also provided in the lib folder) to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For example:

export CLASSPATH=squander.jar 
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:`find lib -type f -name "*.jar" | xargs | sed 's/\ /:/g'`
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="lib/amd64-linux"
java -ea