Today: Message Authentication Codes (MACs), Wed., March 11th



                    m, t = MAC(k, m)
    Alice -----------*-------------------------- Bob
      k               \-> Eve                     k

To verify a message m' with tag t, Bob can simply compute t' = MAC(k, m') and check that t' is equal to t. As long as only Alice and Bob have k, Bob is sure alice sent m'

Adversarial model:


PRF-MAC(k, m) = h(k || m), where h is a random oracle

In practice we don't have a random oracle, and iterative hash functions are susceptible to length-extension attacks where if you have h(k | m) you can compute h(k | m | extension) without knowing k



        m1     m2            m3
        \|     \|            \|
    o -> +  |-> +  |-> ... -> +  
        \|  |  \|  |         \|  
    k -> E  |   E  |     k'-> E  
         |  |   |  |          \|  
         ----   ----          tag

    where k' = f(k), f is a constant function



We saw with encryption that we have information-theoretic secure encryption like the one-time pad.

Can we also have an information-theoretic secure one-time MAC?


                    confidentiality     |    integrity
    unconditional   OTP                 |    OTMac
    conventional    block ciphers       |    MACs
    public-key      PK encryption       |    digital signatures

Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data


    Alice computes:
    c = Enc(k_1, m)
    T = MAC(k_2, h || c)

    transmit header h, c, t

    Bob concatenates h || c and computes t' = MAC(k_2, h || c),
    checks that t = t', and if true, decrypt m = Dec(k_1, c)

Note: Applying a MAC to the plaintext instead of the ciphertext can be a bad idea because the MAC could leak plaintext information



Nonce N:


          N          M            H
         \|         \|            |
   k -> MAC1  k -> CTR      k -> MAC2
         |         / |            |
         |    c   /  |            |
         *-------/   |            |
         |          \|            |
         |       ---------        |
         |       | ctext |        |
         |       ---------        |
         |           |            |
         |     k -> MAC3          |
         |           |            |
         |           |            |


Finite fields & number theory

Finite fields

Definition: (S, +, *), where:

GF(p) - finite fields (a.k.a. Galois fields) on p elements {0, 1, ..., p-1}

ax + b = 0 (mod p) => 
x = -b * a^-1

3x + 5 = 6 (mod 7) =>
3x = 1 (mod 7) => (5 = 3^-1 (mod 7))
x = 5

GF(q) finite field where |S| = q. When do finite fields exists, for what q's?

Theorem: GF(q) exists iff q = p^k for some prime p, k >= 1 (see here for more info)

TODO: Proof:

How do we create a GF(p^k) field, where k > 1?

We work with (univariate) polynomials of degree < k with coefficients in GF(p)

f(x) = a_k-1 x^k-1 + a_k-2 x^k-2 + ... + a_1 x + a0

There are k coefficients, so there's p^k such polynomials, => p^k elements in S -

Does it respect the definition of a field?

Example: GF(4) = GF(2^2), p = 2, k = 2 is the set of univariate polynomials of degree < 2 with coefficients in GF(2). Thus GF(4) has 4 polynomials (4 elements):

Multiplying them, we work modulo p(x) = x^2 + x + 1, p(x) = 0 => x^2 = -x-1 => (in GF(2) -x = x, -1 = 1) => x^2 = x + 1

 *  |   0       1      x    x+1
 0  |   0       0      0     0
 1  |   0       1      x    x+1
 x  |   0       x     x+1    1
x+1 |   0      x+1     1     x  

x * x = x^2 = x+1
x * (x + 1) = x^2 + x = (x+1) + x = 1
(x+1)(x+1) = x^2 + x + x + 1 = x^2 + 1 = (x+1) + 1 = x

How do we choose the modulo x^2 + x + 1? Gotta make sure they are irreducible.

What about division?

Repeated squaring

We want to compute a^b, b is an integer, a is a number in your finite field

      {  1,             if b = 0
a^b = {  (a^(b/2))^2    if b = even
      {  a*a^(b-1)      if b = odd

We have to do <= 2*log_2(b) multiplications

If b is secret, this can be problematic because the runtime is dependent on the value of b.

Fermat's little theorem (FLT): In GF(q) for all a \in GF(q)*, we have a^(q-1) = 1, where 1 is the multiplicative identity in GF(q)

Corallary: For all a \in GF(q), we have a^q = a

Corallary: For all a \in GF(q), we have a^-1 = a^(q-2)


3^-1 (mod 7) = 3^5 = 27 * 9 = 6 * 2 = 12 = 5