Today: Digital signatures, Monday, April 6th

Digital signature

Digital signatures

An amazing development first due to Diffie and Hellman ("New directions in public key cryptography" paper)

Alice           m, s = sig(SK, m)           Bob
    ---------------------------------------->   verify(m, PK, s)

Original Diffie Hellman idea: public key maps a plaintext to a ciphertext, and secret key unmaps.

Keygen(1^l) -> PK (verification key), SK (signing key)

Sign(SK, m) -> s_SK(m)
 - this process may be randomized
 - apparently no reason to have deterministic signatures

Verify(PK, m, s) -> true/false

\forall m, Verify(PK, m, Sign(SK, m)) -> true

(Weak) existential unforgeability under an adaptive chosen message attack


  1. Challenger generates (PK, SK) keypair, sends PK to adversary
  2. Adversary can get signatures to messages of his choice
  3. Here q = poly(l), m_i may depend on signatures to previous messages
  4. Adversary outputs his attempt at a forgery: a pair (m, s*)
  5. Adversary wins if Bob accepts it: Verify(PK, m, s*) \and m \notin the set of previously queried messages

This scheme is secure if Prob[Adversary wins] = negl(l)

The strong version, allows the message of the forgery to be one of the messages the adversary previously asked for as long as the forged signature is different than the one the adversary received.

Hash & sign

Early on it became obvious that you should not encrypt or sign full messages, because public key schemes were slow => sign h(m) rather than m

As long as the hash function is collision-resistant, and it's hard to find m1 & m2, s.t. h(m1) = h(m2), a signature for m1 is guaranteed to be for m1 only.

RSA-PKCS (public key cryptography standards)

To sign M, compute m = h(M). Need to create a particular message that will fit into an RSA block.

We can define pad(m) = 0x 00 01 FF .. FF 00 || hash_name || m


RsaSign(SK = (d, n), m) = pad(m)^d (mod n)

No proof of security here... Not that used much anymore, because OAEP has a proof of security.

Probabilistic signature scheme (PSS), by Bellare and Rogaway, 1996


    -----------------       ---------
    |       m       |       |   r   |
    -----------------       ---------
        \                       /
         \                     /| 
        -----                 / |
        | h | <--------------/  |
        -----                   |
          |      /----| g1 |--->+ 
         \|     /               |
          w----/                |
          \                    \|
           \                    r*
            \---------------------------> | g2 |
    0       w                   r*          g2(w)
                      | RSA |

                       Sign(m) = y^d (mod n)

Anytime you see a little bit of randomization you have to ask the question of what will happen if the users don't have good enough random generators.

Sign, |w| = k, |r| = k0:

r <-R- {0,1}^k_0
w <- h(M||r)
r* <- g1(w) \xor r
y <- 0 || w || r* || g2(w)
output s(m) = y^d mod n


y <- s(m)^e (mod n)
parse y as b || w || r* || g2w
r <- r* \xor g1(w)
return true if b = 0 && h(m||r) == w && g2(w) == g2w

Theorem: PSS is weakly-existentially unforgeable under an adaptive chosen message attack in the Random Oracle Model if RSA is not invertible on random inputs

ElGamal Digital Signatures

large prime p, generator g of Z_p*
    - public

h is collision-resistant, outputs value in Z_p-1

    x <-R- {0, 1, ..., p-2}
    sk <- x
    pk <- y = g^x (mod p)

    m = h(M)
    k <- R - Z_{p-1}*, s.t. gcd(k, p-1) = 1
     - because we will need to compute the multiplicative inverse of k
       in Z_{p-1}*
    r = g^k (mod p)
    s = (m-r*x)/k (mod p-1)
     - sort of shifting domains here

    s(M) = (r, s)

Verify(M, y = g^x, (r, s)):
    ensure that 0 < r < p
    ensure that y^r * r^s = g^m (mod p)

Why does verification work?

y^r = g^(rx)
r^s = (g^k)^s = g^k*((m-rx)/k) = g^(m-r*x)

y^r * r^s = g^(rx + m - rx) = g^m (mod p)

or alternatively,
y^r * r^s = g^m (mod p) <=> g^(rx) * g^(sk) = g^m (mod p) <=>
rx + sk = m (mod p-1) <=> s = (m-rx)/k

Why the p-1? The order of g is p-1, so things repeat after raising g^{p-1} = 1

Can you forge signatures? Yes you can.

Note that the identity function is CR hash function.

Theorem: ElGamal digital signatures are existentially forgeable.

Is y^r * r^s = g^m? g^xr * (g^e * y)^-r = g^-er = g^es = g^m

This is bad. It seems that we need more from our hash function, not just CR.


    k <- R - Z_{p-1}*, s.t. gcd(k, p-1) = 1
     - because we will need to compute the multiplicative inverse of k
       in Z_{p-1}*
    r = g^k (mod p)
    m = h(M||r)
    s = (m-r*x)/k (mod p-1)
     - sort of shifting domains here

    s(M) = (r, s)

Theorem: Modified ElGamal is existentially unforgeable against adaptive chosen message attack in the Random Oracle Model assuming discrete log problem (DLP) is hard.

Foundation for other schemes, such as the DSA scheme.

Digital Signature Algorithm

Read DSA FIPS standard here.


p = nq+1, p is a large prime
|q| = 160 bits
|p| = 1024 bits

end up with 320-bit signature

g0 generates Z_p*
g = g0^n generates subgroup G_q of order q
 - hard to tell appart G_q and Z_p*, given a random element

x <--R-- Z_q*       // 160 bits, x \in [1, q) (not in G_q)
y <-- g^x mod p     // 1024 bits

SK = x, PK = y

    k <--R-- Z_q*               // 1 <= k < q
    r <-- ((g^k mod p) mod q)   // |r| = 160 bits

    m <-- h(M)

    s <-- (m+rx)/k mod q        // + instead of -, |s| = 160 bits
    redo if r = 0 or s = 0

    output (r, s)

Verify(M, r, s):
    m <-- h(M)

    check that 0 < r < q & 0 < s < q 

    check that y^(r/s) g^(m/s) (mod p)(mod q) = r

    [ note that s = (rx + m)/k and r = g^k
      y^(r/s) = g^(rx/s) =>
      y^(r/s) * g^(m/s) = g^(rx + m)/s = g^(m+rx)/((m+rx/k)) = g^k = r ]

As before, it's forgeable with certain hash functions. Fix is the same.