
Check your scripts for common mistakes

Use ShellCheck

Coloring certain words using cat

cat file.txt | grep --color -E '^|mycoloredword'

List servers/services that are listening on ports

netstat -lntpu
netstat -an | grep LISTEN
sockstat -l

netstat parameters:

# -l -- listening sockets only
# -n -- numeric addresses
# -p -- show PID and program name
# -u -- UDP?
# -a -- shows listening and non-listening sockets

Changing leading tabs to spaces

sed -ri ':a;s/^( *)\t/\1    /;ta' <path-to-file>

Or you can used indent but you have to use temporary files:

expand -i -t 4 input > output

...for multiple files:

expand_f () {
  expand -i -t 4 "$1" > "$1.tmp"
  mv "$1.tmp" "$1"

export -f expand_f
find -type f -iname '*.c' -exec bash -c 'expand_f {}' \;

Searching PDFs

find /path -name '*.pdf' -exec sh -c 'pdftotext "{}" - | grep --with-filename --label="{}" --color "your pattern"' \;

Getting a properly formatted date for file names

date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S

...for, December 20th, 2014, 3:31AM this will output


Get RAM DIMM info

sudo dmidecode --type 17 | more

Zip a directory

zip -r /path/to/directory/

Computing with floating point numbers using bc

echo "4.5 / 2.5" | bc -l

# Computes log_2(256)
echo "l(256)/l(2)" | bc -l

Renaming tricks

This renames all directories in the current working directory from b6-r9-a16 into b06-r09-a16 (bulk renaming).

rename 's/b(\d+)_r(\d+)_a(\d+)/sprintf("b%02d-r%02d-a%02d", $1, $2, $3)/e' *

This renames all directories in the current working directory from results_blablabla into blablabla (bulk renaming).

rename 's/results_.*b/b/g' *

How to hash a directory (quick)

find /usr/include -type f -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 sha256sum | sha256sum

Automatic error handling in BASH

The single and double quotes are important here to properly evaluate (at the right time and place) $LINENO and $BASH_COMMAND.

trap 'echo; echo ERROR: a command failed at line $LINENO: \"$BASH_COMMAND\"; echo;' ERR; set -e;

Generate SSH key non-interactively (without file path & password prompt)

ssh-keygen -f key.rsa -t rsa -N ""

Replace a string in a file

sed -i 's/text-to-replace/replacement-text/g' file.txt

Remove all files that are not added in SVN

For those awful days when you do an...

svn status

...and 9,572 files pop up:

svn status | egrep '^\?' | cut -c8- | xargs rm -r

Generate public key file from OpenSSH private key file

# Just type ssh-keygen -y and you will be
# prompted for the private key file path
ssh-keygen -y

Searching for a string/pattern in all files inside a directory

find directory/ -type f -exec grep pattern '{}' \;
grep -ircl --exclude=*.{png,jpg} "foo=" *
grep -Ir --exclude="*\.svn*" "pattern" *

Where directory and pattern should be changed to suit your needs.

Cut columns from the output of ls (directory listings)

More information on this can be found here

ls usr/bin/ppc_4xxFP-* -l | cut -d' ' -f9

Prevent sudo from asking you for password

Add a line like the following to your /etc/sudoers file, where alinush is your username:


Finding text in all your source (.c or .cpp) files

I wanted to find the file that contained the definition of a function called vmJump, but I did not know how to find all .c/.cpp files.

find . \( -name "*.c" -or -name "*.cpp" \) -print | xargs grep "vmJump"

Listing all the files in a package

I was trying to see where libgcj's files were placed after installing in Fedora using yum.

rpm -q libgcj -l

VARIABLE="something" versus export VARIABLE="something"

I was running make on a makefile that was launching sub-shells to execute some commands. The prerequisite was that JAVA_HOME be defined with export JAVA_HOME, but I only did JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/default". The end result was that those children shells did not have JAVA_HOME defined and my build would fail. I was very surprised. After I did export JAVA_HOME it all worked. Here's what I mean. Suppose you were typing this in your bash shell.

echo $VAR
echo $VAR

export VAR
echo $VAR

How to invoke a script such that it will set/modify the caller shell's environment variables?

I had this script that set some environment variables and I noticed that just typing ./cross-compile-setup in bash did not have any effect.

# File name: cross-compile-setup

export CROSS_COMPILE=ppc_4xxFP-

It turns out you need to invoke it using:

source ./cross-compile-setup

How to check file types

[ -L "/path/to/symlink" ] # 'true' if the path is a symlink 
[ -f "/path/to/file" ]    # 'true' if the path is a regular file 
[ -d "/path/to/dir" ]     # 'true' if the path is a directory

More on this can be found on TLDP here.

How to get the inode of the file pointed to by a symlink

stat -L --printf "%i\\n" /path/to/symlink

Iterate through a sequence of numbers


for i in $(seq 1 $END); 
    do echo $i; 

String operations

string="some string" 
${#string}           # return length of string 
${string#substring}  # remove shortest match of substring from front 
${string##substring} # remove longest match of substring from front 
${string%substring}  # remove shortest match of substring from the end 
${string%%substring} # remove longest match of substring from the end

More here.

Refer to arguments from previous command

Use Alt - <arg. #i> to "copy" the i-th argument and Alt-Ctrl-Y to "paste" it in the current command.

Argument handling


scriptdir=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))

function print_usage() {
    echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]"
    echo "OPTIONS:"
    echo "  -m, --multi-param [param1 param2 ... paramN]"
    echo "  -o, --optional-param [param]"
    echo "  -s, --enable-smth"
    echo "  -l, --log-file <file>"
    echo "  -h, --help     displays this help message"


while true; do
    case "$1" in
        --multi-param | -m )
            shift || break
            while [ "${1:0:1}" != "-" -a -n "$1" ]; do
                multi_param="$multi_param $1"
                shift || break
            done ;;
        --optional-param | -o )
            shift || break
            if [ "${1:0:1}" != "-" -a -n "$1" ]; then
            shift || break
            fi ;;
        --log-file | -l )
            [ -n "$2" ] && {
                shift 2 || break;

            [ -z "$2" ] && shift || break

        --enable-smth | -s )
            shift 1 || break ;;
        --help | -h )
            exit 0 ;;
        * )
            if [ -n "$1" ]; then
                echo "WARNING: Unknown argument given: '$1'"
                # TODO: exit 1 when bad args are given, if desirable
            shift || break ;;

echo "Script started in directory `pwd` (stored in $scriptdir)"
echo "==========="
echo "multi-param:     $multi_param"
echo "optional-param:  $optional_param"
echo "log-file:        $logfile"
echo "smth:            $smth"
echo "[remaining]:     $@"