See all modifications for a file

git log -p <filename>

Diffing, but ignoring whitespace changes

git show --ignore-space-change <commit>
git diff --ignore-space-change <commit1> <commit2>

Squashing the last, say, 4 commits

git rebase -i HEAD~4

See here for more details.
WARNING: Only do this if you haven't pushed those commits to someone else. Otherwise, inconsistent repos will be created and you won't be able to merge them anymore.

Tag a commit and push it up

# Use git tag -l to see tags
# Use git tag -d <tagname> to delete a tag
git tag <tagname>

git push origin <tagname>

See the modifications in a certain commit

By commit hash: git show <COMMIT-HASH>

The i-th to last commit: git show HEAD~i

See the modifications between two commits

git show <hash1> <hash2>
git show HEAD~i HEAD~j
git show HEAD~i HEAD

Adding a submodule

git submodule add --name 6.857-spring-2105 6.857-spring-2015

Update Git submodule(s) to latest commit from origin

One simple command:

git submodule foreach git pull origin master

More complicated (source here):

# get the submodule initially
git submodule add ssh://bla submodule_dir
git submodule init

# time passes, submodule upstream is updated
# and you now want to update

# change to the submodule directory
cd submodule_dir

# checkout desired branch
git checkout master

# update
git pull

# get back to your project root
cd ..

# now the submodules are in the state you want, so
git commit -am "Pulled down update to submodule_dir"

Remove a Git submodule

From SO post

mv a/submodule a/submodule_tmp
git submodule deinit -f -- a/submodule
rm -rf .git/modules/a/submodule
git rm -f a/submodule
# Note: a/submodule (no trailing slash)