Graduate Student
Research Advisor: Ruth Rosenholtz
43 Vassar St, 46-4115B
Cambridge, MA 02139
a l v i n (at) c s a i l . m i t . e d u
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My current research is on modeling peripheral vision as a statistical representation.
Peripheral mechanisms, Texture Processing, Attention, Saliency, Crowding, Motion, Perception, Learning, Machine Learning, Probability, Uncertainty, Graphical Models
Publications & Abstracts
- Ruth Rosenholtz, Jie Huang, Alvin Raj, Benjamin Balas, Livia Ilie; A summary statistic representation in peripheral vision explains visual search Journal of Vision, 2012
- Micah K. Johnson, Forrester Cole, Alvin Raj, Edward H. Adelson; Microgeometry Capture using an Elastomeric Sensor SIGGRAPH, 2011
- Benjamin Balas, Alvin Raj, Ruth Rosenholtz; A summary-statistic model of the visual periphery predicts the difficulty of visual curve tracing[Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society 2011
- Alvin Raj, Ruth Rosenholtz, Benjamin Balas; Collinearity and Containment Grouping have Different Effects on Object Substitution Masking[Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society 2011
- Alvin Raj, Ruth Rosenholtz; What your design looks like to peripheral vision Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, 2010
- Ruth Rosenholtz, Benjamin Balas, Alvin Raj, Lisa Nakano, Livia Ilie; The Visual System as Statistician: Statistical Representation in Early Vision[Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society 2010
- Benjamin Balas, Ruth Rosenholtz, Alvin Raj; Beyond Texture Processing: Further Implications of Statistical Representation [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society 2010
- Alvin Raj, Micah K. Johnson, Edward H. Adelson; An interactive "retrographic sensor" for touch, texture, and shape SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, 2009. GelSight website
- Alvin Raj, Ruth Rosenholtz, Benjamin Balas; Texture processing model visualizes perception of Pinna-Gregory Illusion [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society 2009
- Amarnag Subramanya, Alvin Raj, Jeff Bilmes, Dieter Fox; Hierarchical Models for Activity Recognition; IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 2006) Conference , October, 2006 Victoria CA
- Amarnag Subramanya, Alvin Raj, Jeff Bilmes, Dieter Fox; Recognizing Activities and Spatial Context Using Wearable Sensors; 21st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2006) , Cambridge, MA. July, 2006
- Alvin Raj, Amarnag Subramanya, Dieter Fox, Jeff Bilmes; Rao-Blackwellized particle filters for recognizing activities and spatial context from wearable sensors; Experimental Robotics: The 10th International Symposium (ISER 2006), Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR). , Springer-Verlag, 2006
website saliency
alpern website
Last Update Jan 2012