
This research group focuses upon practical and theoretical applications for Algorithms.

Computation and Biology

The group focuses on various areas of research within the field of Computational Biology. More details concering the group's recent work can be found on Professor Berger's website.

Distributed Systems

MIT's Theory of Distributed Systems (TDS) research group works on a wide range of problems involving distributed and real-time systems. The work has a theoretical flavor, but is closely tied to practice.


This group focuses on the semantics of programming.

Complexity Theory

This group focuses on complexity theory.

Cryptography & Information Security

The CIS group seeks to develop techniques for securing tomorrow's global information infrastructure by exploring theoretical foundations, near-term practical applications, and long-range speculative research. We aim to understand the theoretical power of cryptography and the practical engineering of secure information systems, from appropriate definitions and proofs of security, through cryptographic algorithm and protocol design, to implementations of real applications with easy-to-use security features. We are also interested in the relationship of our field to others, such as complexity theory, quantum computing, algorithms, machine learning, and cryptographic policy debates.

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

This group focuses on numerical analysis and scientific computing

Supercomputing Technologies

The SuperTech group investigates the technologies that support scalable high-performance computing, including hardware, software, and theory. The goal is to make scalable computing simpler, faster, and more effective. The group is currently engaged in a major effort to develop architectural and system-software support for unbounded transactional memory. The group also is studying adaptive computing, race detection, cache-oblivious algorithms, and distance-education technologies.