Alice H. Oh
Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department
Users & Information Lab
Personal Blog


Trung Nguyen and Alice Oh. Users' Needs for Social Tagging and Sharing on Mobile Contacts. ACM International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI). 2010. (Poster)

Dongwoo Kim, Yohan Jo, Il-Chul Moon, and Alice Oh. Analysis of Twitter Lists as a Potential Source for Discovering Latent Characteristics of Users. Workshop on Microblogging at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems (CHI 2010). 2010.

Younkyung Lim, Alice Oh, Tekjin Nam, and Kee-Eung Kim. Personal Informatics for Discovering Human-Centered Lifecare System Opportunities. Workshop on Know Thyself at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems (CHI 2010). 2010.

Il-Chul Moon, Youngmin Kim, Hyunjong Lee, and Alice Oh. Temporal Issue Trend Identifications in Blogs. Proceedings of IEEE SocialCom Symposium on Social Computing Applications. 2009.

Alice Oh, Hyunjong Lee, and Youngmin Kim. User Evaluation of a System for Classifying and Displaying Political Viewpoints of Weblogs. Proceedings of AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. 2009. (Short Paper)

Alice Oh and Howard Shrobe. Generating Baseball Summaries from Multiple Perspectives by Reordering Content. Proceedings of International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG 2008). 2008.

Alice Oh. A come-from-behind win or a blown-save loss: Perspectives in baseball. Proceedings of CSAIL Student Workshop. 2005.

Alice Oh, Gary Look, Tyler Horton, and Max Van Kleek. Awareness agents: a distributed system for group awareness. Proceedings of Student Oxygen Workshop. 2004.

Alice Oh, Harold Fox, Max Van Kleek, Aaron Adler, Krzysztof Gajos, Louis-Philippe Morency, and Trevor Darrell. Evaluating Look-to-Talk: A Gaze-Aware Interface in a Collaborative Environment. Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems, CHI 2002. Minneapolis, MN, 2002.

Trevor Darrell, Konrad Tollmar, Frank Bentley, Neal Checka, Louis-Philippe Morency, Ali Rahimi, Alice Oh. Face-responsive interfaces: from direct manipulation to perceptive presence, International Conference of Ubiquitous Computing, 2002.

Trevor Darrell, Neal Checka, Alice Oh, Louis-Philippe Morency. Exploring Vision-Based Interfaces: How to Use Your Head in Dual-Pointing Tasks, AI Lab Memo, 2002.

Alice Oh and Alex Rudnicky. Stochastic natural language generation for spoken dialog systems. Computer Speech and Language, vol. 16, p. 387-407. October 2002.

Alice Oh, Rattapoom Tuchinda, and Lin Wu. Meeting Manager: a Collaborative Tool in the Intelligent Room. Proceedings of Student Oxygen Workshop. 2001.

Alice Oh and Alex Rudnicky. Stochastic natural language generation for spoken dialog systems. Proceedings of ANLP/NAACL 2000 Workshop on Conversational Systems. May 2000.

Alex Rudnicky, Christina Bennett, Alan Black, Ananlada Chotimongkol, Kevin Lenzo, Alice Oh, and Rita Singh. Task and domain-specific modeling in the Carnegie Mellon Communicator system. In Proceedings of ICSLP 2000.