Covers current research topics in computational molecular biology. Recent research papers presented from leading conferences such as the SIGACT International Conference on Compuational Molecular Biology (RECOMB). Topic areas include original research (both theoretical and experimental) in genomics, molecular sequence analysis, recognition of genes and regulatory elements, molecular evolution, protein structure, and combinatorial libraries and drug design. Recent research by course participants also covered.
Instructor: Bonnie Berger
Contact Information:, x3-1827, 2-373.
Initial Meeting: Wed., 2/7 at 2PM, rm 4-145.
Time and Place: Tuesdays, 3-5 PM, rm 2-135 (beginning 2/13).
Group Discussion: Wednesdays, 2-3 PM, NE43-332.
Prerequisites: 18.417 or permission of instructor.
Course Support: Jessica Baum, rm NE43-330,, x3-3037
Date | Lecture | Room | Time |
Wed., 2/7 | Lecture | 4-145 | 2PM |
Tue., 2/13 | Guest Lecturer: Leonid Mirny, Chemistry Dept. at Harvard | 2-135 | 3-5 PM |
Tue., 2/20 | Monday Schedule: No class | NA | NA |
Tue., 2/27 | Guest Lecturer: Jun Liu, Statistics Dept. at Harvard | 2-135 | 3-5 PM |
Tue., 3/6 | Lecture | 2-135 | 3-5 PM |
Tue., 3/13 | Guest Lecturer: Joachim Theilhaber, Physicist at Aventis | 2-135 | 3-5 PM |
Tue., 3/20 | Lecture | 2-135 | 3-5 PM |
Tue., 3/27 | Spring Break: No class | NA | NA |
Tue., 4/3 | Guest Lecturer: Chris Burge, Biology Dept., MIT | 2-135 | 3-5 PM |
Tue., 4/10 | Lecture | 2-135 | 3-5 PM |
Tue., 4/17 | Patriot's Day Break: No class | NA | NA |
Tue., 4/24 | Lecture | 2-135 | 3-5 PM |
Tue., 5/1 | Guest Lecturer: Serafim Batzoglou, Whitehead Institute, MIT | 2-135 | 3-6 PM |
Tue., 5/8 | Lecture | 2-135 | 3-5 PM |
Tue., 5/15 | Guest Lecturer: Eugene Shakhnovich | 2-135 | 3-5 PM |