Covers current research topics in computational molecular biology. Recent research papers presented from leading conferences such as the International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB), the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB), and the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB). Topic areas include original research (both theoretical and experimental) in comparative genomics, medical genomics, deep genomics, structural bioinformatics, network inference, molecular sequence analysis, regulatory genomics, population genetics, genomic privacy, metagenomics, protein, and RNA structure, and combinatorial libraries for drug design. Recent research by course participants is also covered.
The class will have weekly reading assignments. Every week you will be assigned reading materials possibly relevant to the research of that week's guest speaker. A one-page summary/review (typed preferred) of the topic/paper will be due on Tuesdays at midnight by email. These assignments are worth 50% of your grade.
The class meeting on Mondays will be either group or individual (depending upon enrollment) project presentations by student, postdoc, or faculty seminar members. A copy of the power-point presentation or your notes (typed preferred) with bibliography will be due the day of your talk. This presentation will be worth 25%.
Attendance and participation are highly encouraged for the class and it will count towards your overall grade (worth 25%). You are highly encouraged to participate in the Q&A sessions following both student presentations and guest lectures.
Time & Location:
Class Meeting Time: Monday & Wednesday 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM.
The location for the class is 2-132 on Mondays and 32-G575 on Wednesdays unless otherwise specified.
Instructor: Prof. Bonnie Berger
TA: Ariya Shajii
Admin: Patrice Macaluso
Office Hours:
Prof. Berger: 10:30-11:30am, Wednesdays (CSAIL office, 32G-574) or by appointment.
Contact Information:
bab at mit dot edu; macaluso at mit dot edu; ashwinn at mit dot edu;
Please Contact Professor Berger via email directly for further information concerning this class.