This course gives an introduction to the basic computational methods used for problems arising in molecular biology. We will focus on sequence analysis, genomics, and protein folding. Topics include computational approaches to: sequence homology and alignment, sequencing, physical and genetic mapping, gene recognition, protein structure prediction, distance geometry, drug discovery, and virus shell assembly.
Instructor: Bonnie Berger.
Time and Place: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30-4pm, 4-153.
Prerequisites: 6.001 or 18.410J/6.046J or permission of instructor.
No biology background is assumed.
TA: John Dunagan
Office Hours: NE43-311, Wednesday from 11am to 1pm and by appointment
Contact Information: or 617-253-2345
This page will contain lectures and handouts from this year. This course was also offered in the Spring of 1998, and lecture notes from that year are online here. Because the content of this class will differ markedly from the last time it was offered, the new lecture notes this year will appear some time after the material has been covered. Even the lecture notes on similar material are being updated. However, some of you may want to be able to look at the lecture notes from the last time the course was offered - this may be a valuable addition to your own notes for the purposes of doing the homework.
If there is no link below, that means the lecture notes for this semester are not done yet.