Steerable pyramid noise reduction example

(with Edward Adelson, MIT)

noisy original image

noise reduced image

close up of the eye region, noisy and cleaned:


E. P. Simoncelli and W. T. Freeman, The steerable pyramid: a flexible architecture for multi-scale derivative computation, 2nd Annual IEEE Intl. Conference on Image Processing, Washington, DC. October, 1995. MERL-TR95-15.

E. P. Simoncelli, W. T. Freeman, E. H. Adelson and D. J. Heeger. Shiftable Multi-Scale Transforms. IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Special Issue on Wavelets. Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 587-607, March 1992. Abstract / Full (1.1M)

W. T. Freeman and E. H. Adelson, The design and use of steerable filters, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 891 - 906, September, 1991. MIT Vision and Modeling Group TR 126.