William T. Freeman

William T. Freeman
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Stata Center , D32-476
(maps for building or office ).
Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: 617-253-8828
Email: billf at mit dot edu

Present and past students, post-docs and research scientists.


Selected, grouped by topic

All publications

Intl. Journal of Computer Vision special issue


Biography, CV, and Research Statement

CSAIL computational photography research


Spring 2006 6.098/6.882 Computational Photography

Spring 2005 Computer Vision

ICCV 2003 course on Learning and Vision

Reading seminar: Learning and Inference in Vision

Fall 2002 Computer Vision


Kite Aerial Photograph Mosaics: My neighborhood and Martha's Vineyard

Shapetime Photography

An older web page of vision and graphics research interests