Bryan Adams

Professional Work
I'm a graduate student at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT and a member of the Living Machines Group. (I am also a former member of the Humanoid Robotics Group.) My supervisor is Prof. Rodney Brooks, and Dr. Una-May O'Reilly advises my work as well.

My current work is the Synthetic Brains project, which involves building a model of the polyclad flatworm brain (see picture at right) to study questions about homeostasis and robotic control.

After 11 years at MIT, I finally graduated! I now work at iRobot as the lead for the Research and Innovation team. You can reach me at this address.

Social Service
I'm concerned with the impacts of poverty on public health, and I have worked to use technology to combat both. I founded CommuniTECH, an undergraduate service program that refurbishes used computers for low income families and provides training and support on how to use them. I would like to thank the MIT Public Service Center for financial and programmatic support over many years, as well as the countless undergraduates who have taken time out of their busy lives to to try to make the world a better place. For more information on the project, you can read articles here or here.

I am also a trustee on the Community Service Fund, an MIT organization that oversees the disbursment of over $150,000 every year to deserving MIT and Cambridge service organizations. Please consider lending your support.



MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) (directions)
32 Vassar St., Office 32-380
Cambridge, MA 02139
bpadams (email)
1.617.253.7471 (v)
1.617.253.0039 (f)