Send me some email or give me a call at : 617-253-6583
Wow, they STILL really like me...
From email this morning, 14 May 2013:
"Dear Bryt,
It is my pleasure to let you know that you have been selected
to receive a 2013 Richard J. Caloggero Award. Congratulations on
your outstanding work for the Visit Days, and the general services
to the EECS Department over the years. ..."
(This award in Mr. Caloggero's name has been established by some
of his friends to recognize EECS employees who have, over an
extended period of service, shown loyalty, dedication and effectiveness
beyond normal expectations. More info on Mr. Caloggero is here).
In 2010, I was the inaugural recipient of MIT's Excellence Award for
Greening MIT, as part of the Institute's Rewards and Recognition Program.
You can find out more about the MIT Excellence Awards by going to
MIT's Human Resources webpage at
In 2002, I received a School of Engineering Infinite Mile Award for
Excellence (SOEIMAE). You can find out more about the award & MIT's
Infinite Miles Rewards & Recognition programs by going to MIT's School
of Engineering Awards
Overview page. On the day of the awards ceremony,
I got the coolest paperweight ever (
) & a bunch of other congratulatory stuff.
To sum up:
- Richard J. Caloggero Award, MIT EECS Department (2013)
- Inaugural recipient of MIT's Excellence Award : Greening MIT (2010)
- Moderator, stata-reuse@csail mailing list (2004 -> ...)
- Moderator, vultures@csail mailing list (2004 -> ...)
- WGSSI Recycling Ambassador (2003 (?) -> ...)
- TechSquare Cardboard Carting Teammember (1998 -> 2003)
- School of Engineering Infinite Mile Award for Excellence (SOEIMAE) (2002)
If you want to see what is done where I work, please click through to
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See my work contact info below if you want to chat with me about something going on at the 'tvte.