Chia-ying Jackie Lee
office: 32-G442
email: chiaying at csail.mit.edu
I've successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis on discovering linguistic structures from speech data.
About me
I was a graduate student working with Dr. James Glass. I apply machine learning techniques to let computers discover linguistic knowledge of a language from a large amount of speech data.
I've spent several years studying machine learning, statistical inference, speech recognition, natural language processing and a little bit of computational cognitive science. I enjoy building probabilistic models to gain useful knowledge from a massive amount of data.
Besides building probabilistic models and deriving inference algorithms, I also have hands-on experiences in deep learning (I implemented a library in C++ for constructing various kinds of neural nets, with a focus on recurrent neural nets, during one of my summer internships before any of the current deep learning libraries became available). I have also worked on HMM-based speech synthesis and statistical machine translation.
Last but not least, I genuinely enjoy the process of looking for problems, brainstorming for innovative solutions, and implementing them.
Here's my CV. [pdf]
Google scholar page
Unsupervised Lexicon Discovery from Acoustic Input
Chia-ying Lee, Timothy O'Donnell, James Glass
Transactions of Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL), 2015.
[bibtex][pdf][Coded in C++][Github]
Discovering Linguistic Structures in Speech: Models and Applications
Chia-ying Lee.
Ph.D. Thesis, CSAIL MIT, July 2014.
[bibtex][pdf][slides][coded in C++]
One-shot Learning of Generative Speech Concepts
Brenden Lake*, Chia-ying Lee*, James Glass, Joshua Tenenbaum
Cognitive Science Soceity (CogSci), 2014.
[bibtex][pdf][slides][Coded in C++][Github]
Joint Learning of Phonetic Units and Word Pronunciations for ASR
Chia-ying Lee, Yu Zhang and James Glass.
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2013.
[bibtex][pdf][slides][Coded in C++][Github]
A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach to Acoustic Model Discovery (Highlighted in SLTC Newsletter, August 2012)
Chia-ying Lee and James Glass.
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2012.
[bibtex][pdf][slides][Coded in C++][Github]
A Transcription Task for Crowdsourcing with Automatic Quality Control
Chia-ying Lee and James Glass.
International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2011.
[bibtex][pdf][coded in JavaScript]
An Efferent-Inspired Auditory Model Front-End for Speech Recognition
Chia-ying Lee, James Glass and Oded Ghitza.
International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2011.
[bibtex][pdf][slides][coded in Matlab]
Collecting Voices from the Cloud
Ian McGraw, Chia-ying Lee, Lee Hetherington, Stephanie Seneff, Jim Glass.
The Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 2010.
[bibtex][pdf][coded in JavaScript]
Closed-loop Auditory-based Representation for Robust Speech Recognition
Chia-ying Lee.
Master Thesis, CSAIL MIT, May 2010.
[bibtex][pdf][coded in Matlab]
Empirical Mode Decomposition Descriptor for Plane Closed Curves
Soo-Chang Pei, Yu-Zhe Hsiao and Chia-Ying Lee.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2009.
[bibtex][pdf][coded in Matlab]
Invited Talks
- A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach to Acoustic Model Discovery
Johns Hopkins University, April 2012.
- A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach to Acoustic Model Discovery
SLS Seminar, CSAIL MIT, May 2012.
- Zero-Resource Speech Pattern and Sub-Word Unit Discovery (Highlighted in SLTC Newsletter, November 2012)
The Speech and Audio in the Northeast (SANE) Conference, October 2012.
- Bayesian Approaches to Acoustic Model and Pronunciation Lexicon Discovery
NL Seminar, Information Science Institute (ISI), University of Southern California (USC), July 2013.
- Unsupervised Bayesian Approach to Training Automatic Speech Recognizers
Natural Language Processing Group, CSAIL, MIT, October 2013.
- Discovering Linguistic Structures from Speech: Models and Applications
International Computer Science Institute, University of California, Berkeley, November 2015.
- Discovering Linguistic Structures from Speech: Models and Applications
SRI International, January 2016.
Professional Services
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
- Reviewer for IEEE Signal Processing Letters
- Reviewer for Journal of Neural Computation
- Reviewer for International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Beyond research
I run, I dance and I take photos.
I participated in quite a few student organizations at MIT. To name just a few, I was a member and the president of the CSAIL Student Committee, the co-president of Graduate Women in Course 6 (GW6), and the chief organizer of CSAIL Student Workshop (CSW) 2009.