It's been a long time I've been away from ITS ...
!* PuTTY/SecureCRT/xterm support for TECO EMACS
   Define bindings for arrow keys and (soon) mouse clicks.
   Based on
	which is apparently based on aim 447
	_an introduction to the emacs editor_ by ecc!

  !* rebind paragraph movement to gnu emacs keys.!
  m.m ^r backward paragraph◊ u..↑R{
  m.m ^r forward paragraph◊ u..↑R}

  m.v m-[ prefix table◊
  !* make m-[ a prefix character.!
  m(m.m make prefix character◊)↑]◊m-[ prefix table↑]◊◊ u..↑R[
  !* the usual cursor movement keys.!
  q◊m-[ prefix table◊ [0
    m.m ^r up real line◊ u:0(↑^a)
    m.m ^r down real line◊ u:0(↑^b)
    m.m ^r forward character◊ u:0(↑^c)
    m.m ^r backward character◊ u:0(↑^d)
!    m.v ^r mouse click◊
    m.m ^r mouse click◊ u:0(↑^m)!

  m.v ^X@ Prefix Table◊
  !* Make ^X@ a prefix sequence.!
  M(M.M Make Prefix Character◊)↑]◊^X@ Prefix Table↑]◊◊ U:.x(↑^@)
  !* GNU Emacs ↑X@c control prefix.!
  Q◊^X@ Prefix Table◊ [0
    M.M ^r Prefix Control◊ U:0(↑^C)
... my TECO is a bit rusty.
This was rendered by teco-to-html-echo which may look ok but loses with copy and paste.
For a true copy, download putty.teco which contains raw control characters
Raw Keyboard DisplayHTML
 Control-R ↑R↑R
 Control-X ↑X↑X
 Altmode ◊
 Control-] ↑]↑]
 Control-^ ↑^↑^