20:58 - shades of blue - putting scraping technologies into end-users' hands - demo - more challenges? - don't filter to just 1 item - contrast with separate UI - - page4 - make it a question - "find me..." - page 7 - all bullets - page 8 - - page 11 - why can't browser understands it's the original price - "web app" - page 12 - drop motivation - page ? - drop "novelty" - move stuff to beginning - page 19 - get user's help + not burdening users - how little interaction can still be useful? - page 34 - "...need to deal with multiple pages..." - - page 41 - task 1 conclusion? - web sites' features can fail... - one considered the task uninteresting - page 42 - and/while - page 43 - take out "put automatic web content..."