Recitation 1

Handouts: General info, Recitation signup sheet, Problem Set 0

Today's Idea: What an interpreter is

I explained administrative stuff, especially the collaboration policy and how you must attend tutorials. I recommended that you go to the lab even if you work mostly on your own computer so that you can meet other students and get advice from LAs.

I explained the difference between the computation model most of you are used to and the one we'll use in this course:
Compilation Model: compiler translates source file to executable; when executable is run, it reads inputs, changes state, writes outputs.
Interpretation Model: you give interpreter an expression; it evaluates it and gives you back a value.

I showed you MIT Scheme, our standard environment, and Dr Scheme, an environment developed at Rice.
To illustrate evaluation, we entered a collection of expressions into a Scheme interpreter:

  • (+ 1 2)
  • (* 3 5)
  • (/ 2 3)  <-- Dr Scheme evaluated this differently
  • (* (+ 1 2) 5)
  • (> 4 3)
  • (< 4 3)
  • +
  • (3)
  • (if true 1 2)
  • (if false 1 2)
  • (if (> 4 3) 1 2)
  • (if (> 4 3) + *)
  • ((if (> 4 3) + *) 2 3)



    We noticed that procedures are values just like numbers, and that parens are special -- they don't have the usual meaning of "grouping".

    Then I explained how define "installs" values into the interpreter that later be referenced by name, and we played with this notion:

  • (define x 2)
  • (+ x 3)
  • (+ y 4)
  • (define y 5)

  • (+ x y)

    We saw how to install procedure values:

  • (define (f a) (+ a 2))
  • (f 3)
  • (define a 5)
  • (f 3)
  • (define (g a) (+ a b))
  • (g 3)
  • (define b 4)
  • (g 3)



    You then wrote a procedure that computed the area of a disk with inner radius i and outer radius o. I showed you how to organize into in a modular way:

    (define pi 3.14)
    (define (sq x) (* x x))
    (define (area r) (* pi (sq r)))
    (define (disk-area inner outer)
      (- (area outer) (area inner))

    Daniel Jackson
    September 8, 1999