Ezzeldin O. Hamed
I am a graduate student in EECS Department at MIT.
My research supervisor is Prof. Dina Katabi at the Computer
Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL).
See my full resume here.
Research Interest
I am broadly interested in wireless communication and signal processing.
I have strong background in hardware digital design and baseband processing for wireless communication.
Selected Publications
- Real-time Distributed MIMO Systems
Ezzeldin Hamed, Hariharan Rahul, Mohammed A. Abdelghany, and Dina Katabi
ACM SIGCOMM 2016, Florianopolis, Brazil [PAPER]
- Demo: A Real-time 802.11 Compatible Distributed MIMO System
Ezzeldin Hamed, Hariharan Rahul, Mohammed A. Abdelghany, and Dina Katabi
ACM SIGCOMM 2015, London, UK [PAPER]
- LTE Radio Analytics Made Easy and Accessible
Swarun Kumar, Ezzeldin Hamed, Dina Katabi, and Li Erran Li
ACM SIGCOMM 2014, Chicago, USA [PAPER]
- GHz-Wide Sensing and Decoding Using the Sparse Fourier Transform
Haitham Hassanieh, Lixin shi, Omid Abari, Ezzeldin Hamed, Dina Katabi
IEEE INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada [PAPER]
- A 0.75 Million-Point Fourier Transform Chip for Frequency-Sparse Signals
Omid Abari, Ezz Hamed, Haitham Hassanieh, Abhinav Agarwal, Dina Katabi, Anantha Chandrakasan, Vladimir Stojanovic
IEEE ISSCC 2014, San Francisco, USA [PAPER]
- A 16Gbps low power self-timed SerDes transceiver for multi-core communication
Ezz El-Din Hussein, Sally Safwat, Maged Ghoneima, and Yehea I. Ismail
IEEE ISCAS 2012, Seoul, Korea [PAPER]
- Optimal interconnect termination for on-chip high speed signaling
Ezz El-Din O. Hussein, and Yehea I. Ismail
IEEE ICEAC 2011, Istanbul, Turkey [PAPER]
- A 12Gbps all digital low power SerDes transceiver for on-chip networking
Sally Safwat, Ezz El-Din Hussein, Maged Ghoneima, and Yehea Ismail
IEEE ISCAS 2011, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil [PAPER]
- CUSPARC IP Processor: Design, Characterization and Applications
Ezz El-Din O. Hussein et al.
IEEE ICM 2010, Cairo, Egypt [PAPER]
- A New Signaling Technique for a Low Power SerDes Transceiver
Ezz El-Din Hussein, Sally Safwat, Maged Ghoneima, and Yehea Ismail
IEEE ICEAC 2010, Cairo, Egypt [PAPER]
- A Novel Variation Insensitive Clock Distribution Methodology
Ezz El-Din O. Hussein, and Yehea I. Ismail
IEEE ISCAS 2010, Paris, France [PAPER]
Awards and Honors
- Best poster award MOBICOM S3 workshop 2014
- Best student paper award in the ICEAC 2010
- Best graduation project in electronics and communication in the IEEE Egyptian Engineering Day 2008
- First place in the Egyptian Math Olympiad in 2001
MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab
32 Vassar Street, 32-G934
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-5596
Last Modified: August 2016