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MADP toolbox --- an example

Here we give an example of how to use the MADP toolbox. Figure 1 provides the full source code listing of a simple program.

1  #include "ProblemDecTiger.h"
2  #include "JESPExhaustivePlanner.h"
3  int main()
4  {
5      ProblemDecTiger dectiger;
6      JESPExhaustivePlanner jesp(3,&dectiger);
7      jesp.Plan();
8      cout << jesp.GetExpectedReward() << endl;
9      cout << jesp.GetJointPolicy()->SoftPrint() << endl;
10     return(0);
11 }
Figure 1: A small example program that runs JESP on the DecTiger problem.

It uses exhaustive JESP to plan for 3 time steps for the DecTiger problem, and prints out the computed value as well as the policy. Line 5 constructs an instance of the DecTiger problem directly, without the need to parse dectiger.dpomdp. Line 6 instantiates the planner, with as arguments the planning horizon and a reference to the problem it should consider. Line 7 invokes the actual planning and lines 8 and 9 print out the results.

This is a simple but complete program, and in the distribution (in src/examples) more elaborate examples are provided which, for instance, demonstrate the command-line parsing functionality and the use of the .dpomdp parser.

src/examples>  ./decTigerJESP 
Value computed for DecTiger horizon 3: 5.19081
Policy computed:
JointPolicyPureVector index 120340 depth 999999
Policy for agent 0 (index 55):
Oempty,  --> a00:Listen
Oempty, o00:HearLeft,  --> a00:Listen
Oempty, o01:HearRight,  --> a00:Listen
Oempty, o00:HearLeft, o00:HearLeft,  --> a02:OpenRight
Oempty, o00:HearLeft, o01:HearRight,  --> a00:Listen
Oempty, o01:HearRight, o00:HearLeft,  --> a00:Listen
Oempty, o01:HearRight, o01:HearRight,  --> a01:OpenLeft
Policy for agent 1 (index 55):
Oempty,  --> a10:Listen
Oempty, o10:HearLeft,  --> a10:Listen
Oempty, o11:HearRight,  --> a10:Listen
Oempty, o10:HearLeft, o10:HearLeft,  --> a12:OpenRight
Oempty, o10:HearLeft, o11:HearRight,  --> a10:Listen
Oempty, o11:HearRight, o10:HearLeft,  --> a10:Listen
Oempty, o11:HearRight, o11:HearRight,  --> a11:OpenLeft
Figure 2: Output of the above program.