6.085 Assignment Three Analysis with Multiple Variables We'll return to the cellphones data set from problem set one. 1. In assignment one, we were limited to comparing two regions at a time. Now, we can ask the following questions: Is the average cellphone ownership different by region? By HDI? Are there any interactions between regions and HDI? Describe your analysis and results. Optional: Fit a model to predict 2007 cellphone ownership based on 1990 ownership. Does adding 1999 data significantly improve results? How about HDI? Describe your analysis and results. 2. Create a table of regions and HDI. First compute a chi-squared test on the counts of high HDI countries by region. What hypothesis is this testing? Next do the same test on the entire table (both high HDI and non-high HDI countries). What hypothesis is this testing? Explain the warning that occurs and correct it.