6.438 Fall 2011 Recitation Highlights (alpha)

This is an experimental webpage for Khan-Academy-style video highlights of select recitations. Answers to some popular questions from recitations or from office hours may appear here as well.

Warning: The material here is a bit informal, will be posted with slight delay, and is not meant to replace recitations.

Home > Gaussian mixture models: intro and parameter estimation with EM

Remark on initializing EM: Popularly, EM for Gaussian mixture models (GMM's) is initialized using the K-means algorithm, which is very similar to the EM algorithm for GMM's; the only differences: So K-means is simpler than the EM algorithm for GMM's and is computationally simpler. It finds cluster assignments for each data point, from which we can compute means and covariances from to initialize EM for GMM's.

Of course, the K-means algorithm itself needs to be initialized! A simple way to initialize is to just randomly choose K of the observed data points as initial cluster means. A more clever way to initialize is the K-means++ algorithm (Arthur and Vassilvitskii 2007).

TA: George H. Chen
Feel free to send feedback via email: geor...@csail.mit.edu