
Program Available--2nd Conference on Domain-Specific Languages, October 3-5, 1999

*Take part in the community dedicated to promoting the promise
  and practice of domain-specific languages
*Learn of current advances of DSLs and examine the spectrum of
  benefits which DSLs can provide
*Concentrate on the unique aspects of DSL design, DSL
  implementation, and of DSLs as software engineering tools

DSL '99
October 3-5, 1999
Omni Hotel, Austin, Texas, USA
Save.  Register by September 13, 1999.
Register on line:  www.usenix.org/events/dsl99
Sponsored by USENIX, The Advanced Computing Systems Association
In cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN and ACM SIGSOFT

Refereed Papers Examing the Unique Positive Aspects of DSLs in areas
such as:
* Different Approaches To DSL Construction
* New DSLs For Problem Domains such as Specifying Hardware Circuits
and Robot Control Protocols
* Creating Data-Intensive Web Sites and Collaborative Applications

Keynote:  Towards More Natural Domain-Specific Languages
by Brad A. Myers
Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

Hot Research Reviews
* Domain-Specific Languages for Programming and Security in Active
Networks, by Carl A. Gunter, University of Pennsylvania
* A Methodology for Designing Domain-Specific Languages Using Program
Specialization, by Charles Consel, IRISA/University of Rennes

Insight and Perspective from Invited Talks
* Language Technology for Performance and Security
* The Next 700 Markup Languages

Interactive Sessions, Hosted Luncheon, and Conference Reception

"(Regarding the 1997 DSL Conference) Papers presented were of such
uniformly high quality that the program committee was unable to
single out one for special commendation. Interest in the BOFs was
so great that initial plans to run them concurrently were shelved
in favor of a consecutive schedule.  Overall, I believe the 
conference was a great success!"
Andrew J. Forrest, AT&T Labs