
ESOP 2000 Submission Deadline Approaching

Second Call for Papers:

                            ESOP 2000

                  European Symposium on Programming
                  March 27-31, 2000, Berlin, Germany
                  Submission deadline:  Oct 18, 1999

Invited Speaker: Martin Odersky, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland

Program Chair:  Gert Smolka, Uni Saarbruecken, Germany

PC:     Gerard Boudol,  INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
        Sophia Drossopoulou,  Imperial College, London, UK
        Matthias Felleisen,  Rice University, Houston, US
        Michael Franz,  UC Irvine, US
        Manuel Hermenegildo,  TU Madrid, Spain
        Xavier Leroy,  INRIA Rocquencourt, France
        Alan Mycroft,  Cambridge University, UK
        Martin Odersky,  EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
        Andreas Podelski,  MPI, Saarbruecken, Germany
        Gert Smolka, UdS,  Saarbruecken, Germany
        Peter Thiemann,  Uni Freiburg, Germany
        Mads Tofte,  Uni Copenhagen, Denmark
        Pascal van Hentenryck,  Uni Louvain, Belgium

ESOP is an annual conference devoted to the design,
specification and analysis of programming languages and
programming systems. Both practical and theoretical papers
are welcome. Possible topics include: Programming paradigms
and their integration, including concurrent, functional,
logic and object-oriented; computational calculi and
semantics; type systems, program analysis and concomitant
constraint systems; program transformation; programming
environments and tools. Papers pointing out new directions
or combining theory and practice are particularly

The conference proceedings will appear as a volume in the
LNCS series published by Springer-Verlag. ESOP accepted
papers are eligible for the EAPLS Best Paper Award, which is
given to the best paper presented at any of the ETAPS 2000

Submitted papers must be in English and must be unpublished
and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Simultaneous
submission of the same contribution to multiple ETAPS
conferences is forbidden. As accepted papers will be
restricted in length to 15 pages in the Springer-Verlag LNCS
style, authors are asked to adhere to this length and

Authors are asked to submit their papers electronically.
Instructions are at http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/~esop2000.
Authors without access to the Internet should contact the
Program Chair:

        Gert Smolka
        Programming Systems Lab
        Universitaet des Saarlandes
        Postfach 15 11 50
        66041 Saarbruecken
        +49 (681) 302 5311 (voice)
        +49 (681) 302 5615 (fax)

Deadline for submissions:       Monday, October 18, 1999

Notification of authors:        Monday, December 13, 1999

Final versions due:             Thursday, January 13, 2000

ESOP is part of ETAPS 2000,
European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software,