
Re: ncurses and Gwydion Dylan

Nolan Darilek <nolan@ethereal.dhis.org> writes:

> module: dcurses
> synopsis: An interface to curses
> define library dcurses
> end library dcurses;
> define moduled dcurses
> end module dcurses;

This will become a problem when compiling the program later. You'll
need to define your libraries and modules inside the module
dylan-user, which means putting those two declarations in a separate
file with a "module: dylan-user" line on top.

> melange: <SCREEN> has multiple definitions

This is a case problem, as you already have guessed. Dylan is case
insensitive, and melange has no default way to resolve the
problem. You can manually exclude or rename one of the symbols to
resolve the conflict.

> No applicable methods in call of {GF c-accessor} when given arguments:
>   #[{<predefined-type-declaration> instance}, "index * 0", "ptr", "<_IO-lock-t>"]
> Abort

And this is an internal melange problem. Sorry for that. We have
essentially given up on fixing melange after Eric Kidd spent quite
some time on fixing it. melange works for easy cases, such as the
MySQL header files, but grossly fails in other circumstances.

You're options are hacking away at the header file until it works,
writing your own wrapper functions by hand, or waiting until pidgin,
our rewrite of melange, is finished. But we promise no shipping date
for pidgin.


"We should be willing to look at the source code we produce not as the
end product of a more interesting process, but as an artifact in its
own right. It should look good stuck up on the wall."
 -- http://www.ftech.net/~honeyg/progstone/progstone.html
