
Re: Simple Reader Macros for Dylan

Jonathan Bachrach <jrb@functionalobjects.com> writes:

> #<name>:<text>
> gets transformed, setter-like, into:
> <name>-parser(<text>)

This is a great idea. I can see it before me:


Using regexes in Dylan has been a nightmare due to all the escaping.

> There is no \ escape processing. [...]
> In the delimited form, you have a choice of delimiters: "...", (...), [...],
> {...}. Within the delimiters, only the matching close delimiter must be
> escaped.

Ok, when there is no escape processing, then how do I escape the close
delimiter? Please specify how the following cases are to be handled:


Andreas (who is wondering how to tell that to the Gwydion parser)

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end product of a more interesting process, but as an artifact in its
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 -- http://www.ftech.net/~honeyg/progstone/progstone.html
