
first attempt at Harlequin-Dylan

This is my first attempt at using Dylan (specifically Harlequin-Dylan)...
and I'm having some troubles.

I managed to build a simple "Hello World" from scratch.  The next step was
to define a class, instantiate it, get and set some values.  I can define
the class and it compiles without error, but when I try instantiating it, it
still compiles without error, but I get the run-time error
'attempt to make an instance of an incompletely initialized class:

The class is defined as:

define class <my-object> (<object>)
  slot first-item :: <integer>, init-keyword: first-value:, init-value: 1;
  slot second-item :: <integer>, init-keyword: second-value:, init-value: 2;
end class <my-object>;

and i instantiate it in the programs entry method like:
let instance = make(<my-object>, first-value: 3, second-value: 4);

same result if i instantiate using:
let instance = make(<my-object>);

same result if i define the class to be:

define class <my-object> (<object>)
  slot first-item :: <integer> = 1, init-keyword: first-value:;
  slot second-item :: <integer> = 2, init-keyword: second-value:;
end class <my-object>;

even tried forcing initialization with

same runtime error in all cases...
hope i've done something obviously wrong?

is there a Harlequin-Dylan tutorial?
i'm also looking for info on console IO, file IO, and interfacing with C
thanks in advance.
Maxwell Sayles
