

Is It True That You Like To Save?

Well Then, I Have Great News For You!

True Flat Rate Unlimited Long Distance is Here!

(This IS NOT USATalks!) This Actually Works!

Talk As Much As You Want/ $35 Month!

This is VERY REAL!   Eliminate Prepaid Calling Cards!

With Our Freedom Plan You Can Even Call Away From Home,
Pay Phones Included!!!  From Any Phone to Any Phone!!!

I Have Had It For 8 Weeks!

No Hidden Fees! 

No Other Charges! 

Activated in 48 HRS!   

No Activation Fees!!!   None, Notta, Zero!

Our Freedom Plan Allows You to Call From 
Anywhere...Including Pay Phones!

Stop Paying to Talk Per Minute...

Do What Thousands Have Already Done...

Pay One Flat Rate & "Talk All You Want"

That Is the Way It Should Be!

To Sign Up On Line & Receive More Info,
Simply Hit the Reply button and in the subject 
line write  "More Info"

Thanks A Zillion! You Are Going To Love This!

Agents Needed Now!!! Wide Open Opportunity!

Sign up on line and have your service in 48 hrs.
Secure Sign Up!  Sign Up Now! Reply w/More Info!

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