
Re: <c-string> vs <byte-string>?

Jason Trenouth wrote:
> > So how is it that a list box cannot get its values from a sequence of
> > <c-string> but a <table-control> can? Is there some coercion going on
> > within the <table-control> call to the generator functions? If so, why
> > not the same coercion with the <list-box>?
> Dunno why that is. Perhaps the original <C-string> that you passed to SQL is
> getting trashed in that case?

Nah, I followed it through the debugger and the strings were intact.

> > (BTW, I do need to be using the odbc-ffi library right now instead of
> > the higher-level access.)
> Dunno. Not my speciality.

I just wanted to head off any helpful suggestions to use the
higher-level library ;-)
