
Re: <text-field>, size, GDI context...

Bruce Hoult wrote:
> I would have thought that constructing GUIs is the one place where it is
> unassailable that added flexibility is well worth a little dispatch
> overhead.  GUIs are at the same time so common, so fluid in their
> specifications, such a pain to set up, and so performance non-critical
> that they were one of the first big success stories of OO languages back
> in the days when a 1 MIPS CPU was state of the art.

Generally, yes. But have you ever seen a 4GL- (or Java)-built program
where it takes 30 seconds to figure out the layout and display the
window? We certainly want to avoid sluggishness here. In fact I've seen
that so many times that it was one of the first things I checked with
HD! (Created a form with a 3-page tab with 75 labels and 75 text fields
on each page. Took 2-3 seconds to layout and display. Not bad.)

I would really expect though that opening a few methods won't affect
this too much. How many calls are we really talking about?

Follow-Ups: References: