
Re: <text-field>, size, GDI context...

Chris Double wrote:
> To get the correct sheet behaviour, etc you can derive from
> <win32-gadget-mixin>, along with <leaf-pane>. <win32-gadget-mixin> is
> exported from win32-duim:win32-duim...

Thanks again for the help.

> I've found you can do a lot without source as long as the protocols
> are open. Once they are sealed the only way of extending things is the
> copy and paste method - which needs source.

And if you have source, you can open them and then suggest to FO that
your changes be incorporated. Modifying vendor-supplied code is not the
best way to go, but neither is cut-and-paste programming. I usually go
for "correcting" the vendor's code myself...
