
Re: A question

I guess I need to "me too" your "me too"...

The only reason I do not currently use Dylan is because my company runs
Linux on all it's machines.

I went to try Gwydion and the first thing I needed was "class slots"
which d2c does not yet implement, so I gave up quickly.  (Class slots
seem rather fundamental and essential to me as I have never written an
application which does not require them).

So I am patiently waiting for FO to support Unix (which I hope is their
next platform priority).


> rwk@americom.com writes:
> > I can only hope the FO guys succeed.
> Time for a "me too" posting. But I think it's important for FO's
> success to come up with a UNIX port. I'd love to use Dylan in my
> business, but I can't (FO not supporting Real Operating Systems, and
> Gwydion lacking a handful of essential features).
> Andreas

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