
Re: Assorted C-FFI goodies

Nolan Darilek <nolan@ethereal.dhis.org> writes:

> /* XXX - Need clear-memory!, copy-bytes!, copy-into!, equal-memory? */
> Where can I find prototypes for these?

In the Functional Developer help, C-FFI and Win32 Reference, section
1.9, Utility Designator classes:

clear-memory!(pointer, size) => ()
copy-bytes!(destination-pointer, source-pointer, size) => ()
copy-into!(destination-pointer, source-pointer, size) => ()
equal-memory?(ptr1, ptr2, size) => <boolean>

> How, exactly, does one coerce C primitives into Dylan objects?

It might help to have a look at the melange sources, and the other
aspects of GD that does this sort of thing. Is it possible to use the
c-ffi stuff you are doing to be converted into the current means of
working with C with GD (Melange, etc). This might involve less work.


Follow-Ups: References: