
Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)

> From: Brian Rogoff <bpr@best.com>
> Subject: Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)

> [Regarding d2c]

> Surely dynamic linking should be able to reduce the size
> of the executables but this situation doesn't inspire confidence.

I think we have dynamic linking working on most platforms now. Some of us
are working on executable / library size at the moment, but the Dylan
runtime will always be larger than the C++ one. :-)

> I think its implementors were able to get there by going the route of
> bytecode compilation, and only later to build an optimizing native code
> compiler.

Gwydion Dylan started out with the Mindy bytecode system. You may like to
try this, I think it's in the standard distribution, but it doesn't have
Macro support. :-(

> Sure, I installed it easily on Linux as an RPM, and I can use it to play.

It's good to hear that.

> I wouldn't try to introduce it at work, even though I like the language.

At the moment we wouldn't expect you to, but I understand that real-world
projects have been completed in Gwydion Dylan.

We're improving the compiler constantly, and working on new features like
DUIM and an industrial-strength FFI. Try us again soon. :-)

- Rob.
