
Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)

* "Timothy Guimond" <tguimond@ma.ultranet.com>
| Are you a typical representative of the lisp community?

  No, of course not.  Are _you_ typical of _any_ groups you might be
  associated with accidentally or on purpose?  Do you ask the same
  question of somebody whom you don't like and who happens to be of a
  particular sex or gay or black or from a particular country?  Rob
  Myers, probably typical of the Dylan community in your eyes, has
  even said such moronic (rhetorical) questions as yours have no place
  here, since they _are_ exactly what racism is based upon.

  I guess the best commonality among vocal Dylan newsgroup members is
  a sheer lack of a working brain, but other than that, I hope you are
  just as unique and diverse as any other group.  However, it amazes
  me how some of you choose to portray yourself as so utterly devoid
  of intelligence as the quoted question clearly indicates.

  If this is not what you expected, please alter your expectations.
