
resource file for bitmaps

I have created a resource file for a heap of bitmaps and sometimes it works
and sometimes it doesn't.......
(The exact error happens when I draw the image which is #f because
read-as-image returned #f (couldn't find it))
Some of the Dylan examples suggest naming the first one AAA and then below
that naming it what you want to call it.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.....
I have put the bitmaps in the build directory but it only finds them half
the time.
And when I include the bitmaps in the project folder, they disappear when I
first compile!!!!! (i.e. deleted) which means I get an error saying they are
not there (which they aren't!).  When I replace them it then compiles
I'm getting pretty confused (and exhausted).
It seems so far that I have to use each bitmap in the order they are placed
in the resource file..
Is that right?  Do the files in the resources.rc have to be in a particular

And a quick q about labels.
The label: can be of type <image> or <string>
When they are strings I can change them, with images I can't....
The attribute/slot changes but the image doesn't.
update-gadget(*my-label*) doesn't help....

Any ideas??
