
Re: Compiler Recommendation

In article <046E3608B141D211B75300A0C9600D6915C4E6@DART_NI_2>, Patrick 
McKillen <Patrick.McKillen@dartuk.com> wrote:

> I'm am very new to this Language (I'm a fairly comptenet C++ and Java
> Hacker) and am going to spend some time learning a suitably dynamically
> typed langauge such
> as CLOS, Objective C/C++ or Dylan.
> I use NT4 at work and Win98 at home.
> Could anyone recommend me a suitable development environment (even just
> a decent compiler) for Dylan, that would run on these platforms.

If you like IDEs then go to <http://www.functional-objects.com>.  Their 
product, "Functional Developer", is commercial but the personal edition 
is free and you can try any of their stuff for 30 days for free.

If you prefer commandlines then install CygWin on your system and try 
out the free (speech & beer) compiler at <http://www.gwydiondylan.org>.  
If that desn't mean anything to you then stick to the first option :-)

Actually, on Windows you're probably better off using Fun-O anyway, 
since it's a lot more complete and mature.

-- Bruce
