
[ANN] Second beta release of d2c CodeWarrior plugin available

Dear Dylan Enthusiast and/or CodeWarrior user,

I am proud to announce the availability of the second beta version of the
d2c v2.3.3 translator plugin for the CodeWarrior IDE.

Gwydion Dylan is a Dylan to C language translator.
"Gwydion Dylan PPC" is a compiler plugin for the Metrowerks CodeWarrior
integrated development environment, derived from the open source code base
of the Gwydion Dylan project. Dylan is a modern object-oriented programming
language that originated at Apple.

Please visit http://www.GwydionDylan.org for details.
Please visit http://www.metrowerks.com for details to CodeWarrior.

Bear in mind that this is beta quality release.
Several bugs are known.


- Power Macintosh with 64 MB RAM
- CodeWarrior Pro 6 for Mac (Pro 5.3 may work)
- 30 MB memory partition assigned to CodeWarrior (it may work with less)


- Translator plugin
- Preference panel
- Gwydion Dylan codebase 2.3.4pre functionality
- Symbol browser support
- Improved project and memory management
- Carbonized operation (MacOS X beta tested)
- "Dylan Support" library files
- hello-world sample application
- "Dylan Hacker" raytracer with sources
- Selected parts of Rob Myers' mac-d2c distribution (unmodified, untested)


- No source code (yet)


- ftp://ftp.gwydiondylan.org/pub/gd/MacOS/d2cPlugin2.3.3b2.sit.hqx
    (there may be a delay while the package moves here from incoming)
- iDisk: public area of: gabor, file: d2cPlugin2.3.3b2.sit,
   at: http://itools.mac.com/itoolsmain.html


- please mail to the author and maintainer, mailto:gabor@mac.com
- success stories also welcome :-)


- Gwydion Dylan Maintainers, for great work,
- Patrick Beard for his Mac Boehm-GC port
    and for bringing Dylan back to the Mac,
- Rob Myers, for mac-d2c, testing and the contributed applications,
- Gareth Baker and Raffael Cavallaro for testing,
- Apple Computer for keeping MrC around,
- Silke Klein, for patience.


- Dylan(tm) is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
- Metrowerks(tm) and CodeWarrior(R) are (registered) trademarks of
  Metrowerks, Inc.
- Read the release notes.
- Back up regularly.

