
Re: Evidence that Functional Objects is real?

On Fri, Nov 3, 2000, dylanwannabee@nodylanhere.com
<dylanwannabee@nodylanhere.com> wrote:

>I did not intend to deceive anyone into thinking
>dylanwannabee@nodylanhere.com was a real email address.  I have non-troll
>reasons for being anonymous.  

I tried to be succinct and wound up phrasing that poorly. It's not the
anonynimity that made me suspicious per se, but rather the non-replyable
address. By all means remain anonymous if you need to, but if you want to
engage in any substantive discussion, or appear open to such, use a
HotMail account with whatever pseudonym strikes your fancy ;-)

Also the comments about garage/hobbyist effort and the web site design
seemed to me to have more the flavor of snide cracks than of legitimate
inquiry. Although if today were officially designated "pick on Fun-O" day
I might just admit that I really dislike the pumpkin-orange background on
the web site, but it's not so I won't ;-)

The fact that you responded to my suspicions, and did so reasonably,
pretty well dispels my suspicions. Although I've spent *way* too much
time today in an argument on another list and have to get back to work
right now, feel free to ask any more questions and I'll respond to them
over the weekend. (Assuming they address issues I know about. I'm pretty
new to Dylan.)

>The number of non-troll readers who would be interested in the
>answers seems pretty obviously to vastly outnumber the trolls.

I have no idea how many non-troll readers who haven't made up their minds
about Dylan or Fun-O might be lurking.

Meantime: here's my original reply which bounced because I tried to send
it directly to you: (nested colons: what would an English teach think?):

I can't say very much about the company. But I can tell you that the
product is *VERY* *MUCH* for real. And it sure doesn't look or feel like
a part-time or hobbyist effort; it's very impressive.

Scott Ribe
(303) 665-7007 voice
