
Re: Mac OS X presents an opportunity for Dylan

On a technical level I agree. But Java has lost a lot of momentum. I was an ecommerce Java programmer from Jan 1997-Jan 2000, and the shine came off it in that time.

On a marketing and job security level, M$'s "solutions" win every time. You can't beat FUD and lock-in...

- Rob.

On Thursday, November 30, 2000, at 08:30 PM, tsikes_deja@my-deja.com wrote:

> In article <200011301646.LAA02685@life.ai.mit.edu>, 
>   Rob Myers <robm@onetel.net.uk> wrote: 
> > Well, C# is going to wipe out Java on PC, so you never know. 
> Uh huh.  Just as Cuba is about to invade and conquer the U.S. 
> Java has a ton of momentum and is real today.  .Nyet (as JD 
> dubbed it) has a very steep uphill battle to go _anywhere_, 
> much less overtake Java - that is whenever it ships as a 
> real product. 
> Just another viewpoint...