
Re: Good book on Dylan?

--- Rob Myers <robmyers@mac.com> wrote:
> Do we have each-subclass slots going? I though it
> was just class slots.

Yes, sorry. Actually they are rather similar to class
slots if you want to tackle it yourself...
In spite of your needs, I think we should first make
class slots bug-free and the code well factored before
we proceed to each-subclass. The init keyword still
overwrites the slot without checking if it is set
already. I have a fix for PR#44, but I have
successfully f***ed up my bootstrap beyond all
recognition, so that I am vary of checking in
_anything_. There seems to be a big deal of mouth&claw
disease on my source tree :-(

> I need those for a project. :-)

What about working around them with a <table> for now?
Possibly encapsulated into a macro so the syntax
remains the same?


> - Rob.
> On Monday, April 2, 2001, at 12:00  am, Bruce Hoult
> wrote:
> > We've got some important things such as class- and
> > each-subclass- slots and limited collections in
> place recently, so it's
> > getting pretty close.

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