
Re: Good book on Dylan

The FAQs I can think of are:

Dylan FAQs.

1. Background.
Who created Dylan?
What implementations are currently available?
Is it available on my platform?
Is there a standard?
Is there a reference implementation?
What does the name mean?
So was is taken from Bob Dylan or Dylan Thomas?
Wasn't Dylan used for programming Newtons?
Is Dylan a Functional Language or an OO Language?

2. Ancestry.
Is Dylan a form of Lisp?
What happened to the Lisp syntax?
Where can I find a copy of the Lisp syntax?
Why don't you re-implement the List syntax?

3. Gotchas and Good Practice.
Why do I have to leave spaces between every single token?
Why should I use a naming scheme?
Why should I avoid calling functions "element" or ...?
What do =, =, := and == mean and what are the wrong ways to use them?
What does object.slot() mean?
How do I initialize a slot?
What is initialize()?
What are unsupplied() and false-or().

4 Language Design.
What are keyword parameters?
What are they good for?
What is a generic function?
Where can I read up more of generic function implementation?
What GF dispatch algorithm does Dylan use?
Why don't objects own methods?
What is common-dylan?
Why does it take three files to compile "hello world"?

5. Language Comparison.
Does Dylan have a MOP?
Can Dylan load arbitrary libraries and methods like Java can?
How do I get Java/C++-style access control in Dylan?
Can I use Dylan for DB/Graphics/Network/XML/etc?

6. Resources.
Where can I find Dylan code on the Internet?
Where can I find Dylan tutorials on the Internet?
Where can I find Dylan white papers / overviews on the Internet?
What books on Dylan are available?

- Rob.