
Re: Shared libraries and ObjC on MacOS X

On Tuesday, May 8, 2001, at 02:15  am, Brian Campbell wrote:

> Is there a way to create and load shared libraries using d2c on MacOS 
> X? If
> so, how?

You can link shared libraries in to d2c-generated code at link time, or 
it should be relatively simple to wrap CFBundle to get symbols 
dynamically. I don't know how you'd get them into the Dylan runtime, 
though. It shouldn't be too astoundingly hard using <dynamic-method>s 
and add-method on an open generic.

Shared libraries seem to be broken for d2c on MacOS X at the moment, 
though: GNU autoconf / GNU libtool doesn't recognize that MACH can 
handle shared libraries. :-( Maybe Gareth's fix for using glibtool will 
help fix this.

> Also, is there any actuall working code for the ObjC interface people 
> have
> been talking about, and if so, where can I find it?

I've written a lot of code for this in Dylan of all things (my Perl 
manuals were in a box under and behind many other boxes), I was 3/4 done 
when I switched to working on the d2c c-ffi implementation. I'm getting 
lots of good experience doing this, so I'll probably re-implement the 
system as an objc-ffi in a few months time.

There's example code for calling an objc method from Dylan on the 
archives for this list, if google have got the deja databases back up.

- Rob.
