
Re: Closures

Jeff Dalton wrote:

> > The un-ordinary rule for a lisper [avoids] breaking even more code
> > with the [addition of closures to the language].
> I don't think it's only Lispers who'd expect it.

Together with first-class functions? and yes with lisper
I was referring to any non-purely but functional
(side-effects there, in particular assignment)
... in any case I have not written
"the just for a lisper un-ordinary " <wink>

> > And the need of a new syntax for introducing locals.
> Not necessarily.  ....
> If the language has no syntax for this, then either it already needs
> one, or else it's ok not to have any way to do it.

I was not precise: the need of either a new syntax for introducing
locals, or for capturing variables in an outer scope even when assignment
to a corresponding identifier is locally present ;)

> >
> > "This situation [performance difference between Interlisp-D and -10]
> > of unexpected performance is prevalent with Lisp.  One can argue that
> > programmers produce efficient code in a language only when they
> > understand the implementation. ...
> But how do you get from there to "absolutely not" "a bit scared about
> not explicit performance costs"?

Sorry I'm a good guy <wink>, but I like hyperboles:
a bit scared about => absolutely not

and there was a: absolutely not  [because we can control the costs]

> I think the whole history of functional values / funargs / closures
> in Lisp shows that there is a desire to avoid "unusual" performance
> costs, and that it was only when it was understood how to do things
> cleanly and efficiently that a solution to the various problems
> became generally accepted.

Agreed, but performance FUD (outside the enlighted circles) is
still doing bad, my web browser is not written in CL or Dylan
and OTOH crashes quite often...
