
Re: Using old C++ libraries with Dylan

--- Rob Myers <robmyers@mac.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 12, 2001, at 07:00  pm, Mark
> Jordan wrote:
> > Here's my problem. I like Dylan and want to use
> it,
> > but I have a huge investment in C++ libraries that
> > I want to retain.
> Are you on PC or another platform? Fun-Dev and
> Gwydion Dylan have 
> different strengths in dealing with C code.
> > My ideal solution would be to somehow be able to
> catch
> > any exceptions thrown by the C++ code in Dylan,
> but I
> > don't know if it's technically possible.
> >
> > Any suggestions as to what to do?
> Assuming you have access to the code:
> You could #define throw() to call a Dylan callback
> that would then 
> signal() the error to Dylan. This is probably best
> as it doesn't touch 
> the stack or put the C++ runtime into any strange
> state.

This usually won't work. C++ semantics demand that all
pending destructors to be called when the stack gets
unwound. This will not take place with your appoach
unfortunately, \signal does not know about pending


> Or you can wrap the public API methods in try/catch
> blocks and call 
> Dylan in the catch() section. This could be scripted
> to make it bearable.
> set_unexpected() could be used to add an unexpected
> exception handler 
> that again could get a Dylan callback to signal.
> This may require 
> modifying the function declarations to have empty
> exception 
> specifications, but again could be scripted.
> std::set_terminate() is 
> less useful as it means the C++ runtime is being
> shut down.
> So basically some means of intercepting the
> exception and translating it 
> to a Dylan condition. But I don't know what the
> stack's like when an 
> exception is being handled and how this would affect
> Dylan or the GC.
> - Rob.

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