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Re: a thought on mixing Dylan & HTML

> On a more Dylan related note, I don't see why anyone would want to give up
> Dylan for Curl yet. In fact, I notice that some Dylan people now at MIT
> are off doing new languages. IMO a Dylan-2 or Dylan-2K would make more
> sense...

My viewpoint, extremely cynical I admit, but accurate I think: Curl is
designed to be a commercial success by appealing to the PHB ITdiots who
think that all applications should be stuffed into a web browser. I feel
pretty confident that the people designing the language understand that if
you have to make your users download a big honkin' runtime plug-in, you
might as well make them download a client application and do away with the
awful limitations and flakiness of the browsers.

Or maybe they hope to get enough momentum to become part of the standard
browser distributions. I hope not, because I think the time during which
that might have happened is long over.

I know this sounds like I think Curl is a P.O.S. That's not actually true,
I'd like to see a decently-designed language for deployment in the browser
catch on. That would be a good thing.

Scott Ribe
(303) 665-7007 voice