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Re: "Dylan Progamming" airport example in Fun-0?

I just got the airport example compiled.

First I built a new empty project and added a single
format-out statement, compiled and got the error.
Then I re-read chapter 13 "Libraries and Modules"
of "Dylan Programming".  I finally realized that
"use" statements in the library section mean
something different than "use" statements in
the module section even though they look exactly
the same.  My confusion happened because it's apparently
standard practice to have a library named the same as one
of the modules in it.  Example:

define library Junk
   use functional-extensions;	// use [library] functional-extensions;
end library Junk;

define module Junk
   use functional-extensions;	// use [module] functional-extensions;
end module Junk;

Then with a little poking around with the browser
I figured out that what I needed was:

In the library section of each library using format-out or format-to-string:

     use functional-extensions;

In the module section of each library using format-out or format-to-string:

   use simple-format;

Guess maybe what's in what libraries isn't standardized yet?

Thanks for the help.

-- Doug